Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Letting Go

Confession: I'm a control freak. I spend a lot of energy trying making sure everything goes as I want it in my life.

Confession: I'm a control freak. I spend a lot of energy trying making sure everything goes as I want it in my life.

Which is why I always used to be a nervous flyer. Trying to sit back and relax while I don't know exactly what's going on and someone else has control was very difficult for me to do.

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to fly in a very small private aircraft - a Piper J3 Cub for any aviation buffs out there.

I thought I would be nervous but surprisingly I wasn't at all and it was an amazing experience! It was a perfect, clear Summer morning flying over the front range, seeing the Rocky Mountains and I was just admiring the beauty this magnificent state.

I felt confident and assured I would get back on the ground to our destination so I never felt the need to worry. Physics were on my side and once you know how a plane works, there's no need to worry.

As with most things I do now, I looked at this as a beautiful metaphor to life. As long as I set a destination - my goal- I can just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. When you understand how the mind and universal laws (like the law of attraction) work, you can just rest assured you will end up where you want to be.

Spending so much energy on trying to control the outcome is a waste and sends the message that we don't trust ourselves and the universe which then creates resistance to the goal we're trying to reach.

I have been watching where I am trying to control and consciously letting go as much as possible. That doesn't mean sitting back and doing nothing, but it means falling in love with whatever you are doing now without being attachedthe outcome - developing more trust that everything will work out.

I like the mantra - Let Go & Let God. Where can you start to let go?



PS...For the personal story of how I created this experience of getting to fly on this little private plane, check out my video on instagram here.

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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


Freedom is one of my highest values - both in life and in business.  

Freedom is one of my highest values - both in life and in business.  

I cherish my freedom and I make it a point to contemplate and use my freedom often.

I notice when I speak to people how much they hold themselves in a prison of their own making.  And say things to me like "I can't do that because..."  Or "I wish I had time for that."  Or "Someday I'd like to do that."

Basically what I hear is - I am not free to do and live the way I want.  You're choosing to do something you feel obligated to do over what you actually want to do.  You're letting the present circumstance get in the way of the life you truly desire.

We're a product of all the decisions we make everyday.  Are you freed by the choices you make?  Or do they put you in a self-made prison?

Remember this is the land of the free and home of the brave.  We are extremely privileged to live in such a country.  Do something brave and exercise your freedom this week.



PS...I'm excited about hosting a Women in Finance Networking Mastermind on Thursday 7/21.  Check out the details here and pass along to anyone you think would be interested!

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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Your Tribe

It's said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

It's said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

I had the opportunity to mastermind with one of my amazing mentors and nine other incredible female entrepreneurs in NYC last week.

I'm not going to lie, when I first got there I was extremely intimidated being around these other 7&8 figure business owners with some remarkable achievements. But I had to remind myself that I was chosen and paid the money to be there just like the rest of them.

The day was so inspiring and uplifting and really helped me think bigger and stretch my mind. I was able to step into a higher version of myself and channel the version of me with my goal achieved.

It made me realize the importance of surrounding myself with people that help inspire that version of me; people who see me in that light and have businesses and habits I would like to emulate.

As we grow and expand into a new version of ourselves, sometimes that's difficult for the people around us who are so used to us being a certain way and are comfortable keeping us in that box.

Maybe it's time to create some space from those relationships that aren't serving who you want to be.

Are the people you spend the most time with people you admire? Want to be like/emulate? Supportive in your journey to become better? If not, start changing things up.



PS...Check out the most recent podcast I was on with my friend Kristi Amdahl. I really enjoyed recording this one - it's personal and I open up about things I typically don't. Listen on one of these platforms: Spotify Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts

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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


Perception is one of our higher mental faculties that we’ve been gifted as human beings. It’s defined as a way of regarding, understanding or interpreting.

Perception is one of our higher mental faculties that we’ve been gifted as human beings.  It’s defined as a way of regarding, understanding or interpreting.

I went for a hike over the weekend where I had an incredible view of Denver and the surrounding area. 

I could see the different highways and neighborhoods and the patterns they created.  All looking so perfectly orchestrated - unlike when you’re down in them and there doesn’t seem to be much rhyme or reason to it.

Everything seems more orderly from a higher view - like a perfectly laid out plan.

When I’m faced with a problem, challenging situation, disappointments etc. it’s easy to get stuck in the story of it and feel like a victim.

But what if we can take a higher view of what’s happening?  Maybe we can't see it now, but if you were to “zoom out” of your life, there would be order, a reason or bigger purpose for what you’re experiencing.  Always moving you towards your highest good.

Wayne Dyer has said “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

It’s a beautiful thing that we have the power to change our perception at any time.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Alone vs Lonely

I spent this past weekend on a solo trip to Aspen - one of my absolute favorite places.

I spent this past weekend on a solo trip to Aspen - one of my absolute favorite places.

I love taking trips by myself - this time I found myself thinking a lot about being alone vs being lonely.

Up until three years ago, I was pretty much in a relationship since I was 16. I guess that phrase serial monogamist would have been a fitting label for me.

In the last three years, I've spent most of my time alone getting to know who I am and what I really want/need out of a relationship.

As proud as I am of all the work I've done on myself and the independence I've cultivated, it can be isolating at times.

The problem now lies in that I've gotten so used to being alone, I've built somewhat of a wall around myself. I can do anything I want alone - why do I need someone?! As one of my teacher says, if you live alone, there isn't anyone to tell you you're wrong. Which can be nice ;)

It's easy to be alone. And it's also easy to be in the wrong relationship out of fear or convenience. The delicate balance lies in being happy alone and without forcing something just because you're lonely.

Now the work for me lies in opening my heart back up while still being patient and not settling for anything less than I deserve.

Such is a great metaphor for all of life - being open to what comes without ever settling.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Question Your Thoughts

According to research, we have around 60,000 thoughts per day. And about 90% of them are the same thoughts we had the day before.

According to research, we have around 60,000 thoughts per day. And about 90% of them are the same thoughts we had the day before.

Most of the time we are completely unaware of these thoughts; so engrossed in them we can't even see them.

If you start paying attention, you'll see most of them are reliving the past or worried about the future. They're flying through our mind with no conscious awareness and then making us feel a certain way - usually negatively.

That feeling then emanates out and attracts back to us more thoughts, situations and circumstances that match that same feeling.

And the loop goes on.

If you want to start feeling better, a great place to start is looking at your repetitive thoughts. And then questioning them - are they true?

If they’re not making you feel good, what can you think instead?

The more you can become aware of your thoughts, the more you can change them and the better you feel. The better you feel, the more that good feeling gets broadcast out and attracts back more good into your life.

The only thing we truly have control over in life is our thoughts, so why not start exercising that control?



PS...If you want help learning how to change your thinking to create better results in your life, reply to this email or schedule a time with me here.

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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


Ahh Memorial Day - the unofficial kickoff to Summer. A reason to celebrate, BBQ, spend time with family & friends.

Ahh Memorial Day - the unofficial kickoff to Summer. A reason to celebrate, BBQ, spend time with family & friends.

We have so much fun we tend to forget the real reason for the holiday - to honor those who have died serving our country.

It makes me think of how courageous the men and women are that choose to serve our nation. To stand up for what is important to them.

Earl Nightingale has said the opposite of courage isn't cowardice - it's conformity.

I found myself wondering if I have courage. In some regards, yes I believe I do. I moved across the country without knowing anyone, I quit my job to start my own business, I force myself down black diamonds even though I'm terrified.

But in some areas, I still conform. I sacrifice my own needs and desires at times not wanting to upset the applecart.

-Avoiding a difficult conversation even if I feel hurt
-Not asking for what I need at the fear of sounding "needy"
-Agreeing to something just because everyone else is

I'm committed to designing the life I want and being a person I'm proud to be. With that, it is going to require even more courage - courage to honor myself first, not conform to what others expect of me and to stand up for what I believe in. It's a conscious decision I will have to make everyday.

Observe yourself - do you have courage?!



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Laughter as Medicine

There was a sign in my 4th grade classroom that said "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold."

There was a sign in my 4th grade classroom that said "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold."

I don't know why I remember that but something about it stuck with me even though I didn't really understand what it meant.

Over the last month, I had the opportunity to visit with some of my oldest and closest friends.

We've all been friends since high school and we're going on 20+ years of friendship.

After both weekends, my stomach hurt from laughing and I was so filled up from spending quality time with these special friends.

Friends that know me better than anyone, have been there for me though everything and I can be my silly, carefree self around.

Friends like that are hard to come by and I value them like gold.

You've probably heard that laughter is the best medicine. And it really is. It has the ability to immediately change any situation, mood or feeling.

If you're feeling down, stressed or just out of sorts - find some friends that make you laugh, watch a funny movie or even just think of something that always makes you laugh.

Guaranteed it will change your state.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


Don't worry this is NOT a political post!  I'm talking about censoring ourselves.  

Don't worry this is NOT a political post!  I'm talking about censoring ourselves.  

I was recently asked to do something that I didn’t want to do.  Instead of just saying no thank you, I stressed about it and then eventually came up with an excuse as to why I couldn’t do it.

Come to think of it, I often don’t say what I truly mean and feel the need to “soften” it because I’m considering someone’s feelings.

WHY?!  Why did I do this?!

I've realized this all stems from wanting to control - control the other person's thoughts, perceptions, feelings etc.

While we may think we're being nice and considerate, not saying what we truly mean is actually a form of manipulation.  Speaking our minds can actually be a gift to someone - even if it's not what they want to hear.

I'd rather hear the truth - if it stings in the moment it's better than the ambiguity that comes with not knowing or being confused when someone's actions don't align with their words.

I'm determined to live a life with more integrity and that means speaking my truth at all times no matter how uncomfortable it may feel.  I encourage you to do the same.

apologize in advance if offend you - don't take it personally ;)



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

I'm Busy

A typical conversation I have with someone whether it's a friend, prospect or client goes something like this:

A typical conversation I have with someone whether it's a friend, prospect or client goes something like this:

"How are you?" "Good! I've been so busy."

When did busy become a badge of honor? Why is being busy so important in our society? We incessantly keep ourselves busy because we believe that's the way to get ahead.

We may be busy but are we being effective? Are we being present to our lives unfolding?! Or are we just stressed about the next thing to be done hurried through our days?!

I've been thinking a lot about this and I don't want to be busy. I've been filling my calendar jumping from meeting to meeting, event to event.

Although I love what I'm doing now, I find myself just caught back up in the same patterns of working all the time, rushing my life away, waiting for the outcome and striving to reach my goal.

It's time to change this. I want to get intentional about slowing down, creating some white space in my days.

I want to be able to pause and enjoy my morning cup of mud/wtr in a chair while reading, take in the buzzing noises of Spring during my morning walk, really be present with people while I'm having a conversation, eat mindfully and not scarf down a meal in between meetings.

This is what I'm working on. What are we all trying to prove anyway?

Who's with me?!



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


Discipline is defined as training oneself to do something in a controlled or habitual way.

Discipline is defined as training oneself to do something in a controlled or habitual way.

My mentor, Bob Proctor, would say it's the ability to give yourself a command and follow it.

I believe discipline is trading what you want now with what you want later. It's the reason I've been able to stay "on the wagon" since November.

The drink may taste good and be fun in the moment, but I don't want the consequences of how it will make me feel in the future.

A lot of things can feel good in the moment but are they aligned with the future you're trying to create?!

Discipline starts in the mind - holding your attention on what you do want instead of focusing on what is actually happening.

When you focus on the future you want, it becomes much easier to make the right decision in the present.

Ultimately, your successes or failures in life are a result of all the little decisions you are making everyday.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


This is my 52nd Happy Monday message! It's hard to believe that I've been writing these for a full year.

This is my 52nd Happy Monday message! It's hard to believe that I've been writing these for a full year.

When I first thought of the idea, I was intimidated about having to do something every single week and I wondered if I would be able to keep it up.

I was nervous, didn't know how I would come up with topics each week or how they would be received. Despite my analytical mind getting in the way, I decided just to do it.

Were there times I didn't feel like writing it? Of course. Times I had writer's block and almost threw in the towel? Heck yes. Times that people unsubscribed and I took it personally and wanted to stop forever? Sadly yes.

But I kept going. These messages have been SO much fun for me to write - even therapeutic. And the positivefeedback I've received from them is what fuels me to keep going.

I'm proud of myself for being consistent. Consistency is key in success. I believe success is virtually guaranteed when you just keep showing up and doing your part.

I encourage you to pick one thing that scares you to become consistent with. Tell your family and friends (or me!) so you're on the hook.

"Success doesn't come from what we do occasionally; it comes from what we do consistently."



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Trying vs Doing

I just got back from another incredible retreat with one of my amazing teachers, Dr. Joe Dispenza and wow, I am FULL of insights.

I just got back from another incredible retreat with one of my amazing teachers, Dr. Joe Dispenza and wow, I am FULL of insights.

"Trying is the illusion of separation." is one thing he said that stood out to me.

I think about this concept often because I hear clients and prospects tell me all the time "I'm trying to do this," or "I've tried that in the past," etc etc.

When we TRY we are setting ourselves up for failure. Trying implies you're going to put in the effort but you don't really expect it to happen.

Go for it and just DO it. Act like you KNOW it's going to work. Show up and get busy DOING it.

Trying means you're separate from the outcome. If you want to use your mind to get the results you want, you must feel like it's already happened NOW!

Think of something you're "trying" at and tackle it this week as doing. See how the outcome changes.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Drifting or Steering?

Thoughts Become Things. Every religion, philosopher, mystic etc. all agreed that we become what we think about.

Thoughts Become Things. Every religion, philosopher, mystic etc. all agreed that we become what we think about.

Which means we have control over only one thing in life - our thoughts.

If our thoughts are producing our life, then I ask you - are you drifting or steering?

When you drift, that means you're reactionary to the outside world. You're in the back seat with a crazy driver and no seat belt, bouncing all over the place.

You let life happen TO you and you think you're just along for the ride.

When you steer, you're in charge. You're the driver and you KNOW your destination.

It doesn't matter if there are road blocks, detours and bumps - you have the tools to navigate through it and can relax knowing you'll eventually make it.

Kick that crazy driver out, set your destination and take the wheel.

Guard your mind, don't react to the current circumstances, just keep focused on your destination.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Big Goals

On Friday I celebrated one year in business! And what a year it's been!

I've been spending a lot of time reflecting on the past year and honoring what I've accomplished.

On Friday I celebrated one year in business! And what a year it's been!

I've been spending a lot of time reflecting on the past year and honoring what I've accomplished.

When I started, I had some lofty goals for my first year. I saw myself with over a hundred clients and my target income by the end of year one was $100k/month.

Did I hit that? No. Was I disappointed? Absolutely not. Here's what I did accomplish:

—>Hit six figures in under a year
—>Replicated my former monthly income in month 12
—>Have an amazing group of clients that are changing their mindset and achieving their goals (which feels better than any amount of money coming in!)

Most people set goals they think they can achieve. Perhaps it's just a little stretch for them and they believe it will give them more confidence and momentum if they reach it.

NO! You need to set BIG, CRAZY, I call them OMG Goals. Ones that seem SO big but light you up inside!

If you don't hit it right away, no biggie. You'll have accomplished a heck of a lot more in that same amount of time than setting a "safe" goal.

You just keep aiming as high as you can and all the little goals fall into place.

We have a limited amount of time here on this third rock from the sun - make it count. Live the life you’re dreaming of - not the one you're settling for.

"Shoot for the moon - even if you miss you'll land among the stars."



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

What If

Recently I have been shifting all my worries to "What If" questions instead.

Recently I have been shifting all my worries to "What If" questions instead.

I learned about "What If" questions from one of the amazing teachers I studyunder and they have been so fun to use.

Worrying comes so naturally to me but it puts us in a negative, low vibration. And what's really the point of it?!

Most of what we worry about never even comes true!

So now when I catch myself worrying, I instead say "What if everything works out just as I want it to?" Or "What if everything is working out for my highest good?" Or even "What if I easily received everything I deserve?"

They help me relax and realize there's absolutely nothing to worry about. They make me trust that the universe has my back and everything I want will come when it's supposed to.

Remember: Worrying doesn't take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Get Uncomfortable

Comfort zones - safe, warm, cozy and predictable. Bottom line is they feel good! That's why it's so difficult to get out of them.

Comfort zones - safe, warm, cozy and predictable. Bottom line is they feel good! That's why it's so difficult to get out of them.

I've preached a lot about getting uncomfortable and how important it is for our growth but I want you to know I practice what I preach.

My rule is do one thing per day that scares me.

Whether it's something like going live on instagram every Monday which I recently committed to or trying crossfit no matter how intimidated I was, I always feel good after I stretch myself.

This past weekend I was on a ski trip to Jackson Hole, WY. I've heard about the steepness of this mountain and my plan was to just stick on the lower part and play it safe.

Until I was convinced to head to the very top of the mountain where they make an announcement as you're going up that it is for expert skiers only - which I am far from.

Was I scared heading up there? YES! Did I play out all kinds of horrifyingsituations in my head? YES! Did I let the fear stop me? NO!!!

There are two ways to grow in life - get uncomfortable and do things that scare you. Or wait until life forces a situation on you where you have no choice. When you intentionally are growing and getting uncomfortable, it makes the life situations much easier to handle.

My challenge to you this week is to get uncomfortable - do one thing that scares you. I'd love to hear about it when you do :)



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Tug of War

We've all seen it - some sort of depiction of our conscience as an angel and a devil persuading us to do (or not do) certain things.

We've all seen it - some sort of depiction of our conscience as an angel and a devil persuading us to do (or not do) certain things.

As I bring more and more awareness to every thought and feeling that goes through my mind, I am able to see the tug of war that happens every day.

My theory is that it isn't an angel and devil so much as it's our ego versus our higher self; our inner caveman and our spirit; our human side versus our soul.

The former is always living out of fear and wanting instant gratification. The latter always knowing what is in our highest and best interest for the future and what we really want in life.

The conundrum is we have free will - and it takes an act of extreme courage and self-love to follow that highest and best path because the other side is so tantalizing.

A few examples how this has been showing up for me lately:

-Hanging out with someone even though I know they're not good for me but it helps avoid loneliness now.
-Being tempted by a drink while I'm out with friends even though I made a commitment to myself not drink anymore but it looks so fun. (Happy to say I have not given in and I'm 120 days+ alcohol free!)
-Eating whatever is served at a party even though I'm on a detox diet just because I don't want to be "that person."

We're faced with these types of decisions every day. The easy way is to follow the devil, ego, caveman or whatever you want to call it for the instant gratification. It takes a strong commitment to ourselves and our future to choose the higher path.

I'm learning to operate more from my higher self and what I know is right for the future I want to create, but it isn't easy. It can leave me feeling lonely, isolated, and different in the short term but in the long run I know it will pay off.

The more I listen to that side, the more the devil has started to quiet down.

I'd love to know, does this happen to you? Start listening to that inner dialogue and see how it shows up in your life.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

The Unfamiliar

I went to yoga class on Friday at a different studio than usual because the time worked with my schedule.

I went to yoga class on Friday at a different studio than usual because the time worked with my schedule.

I went prepared to do routine flows and chaturangas but I quickly realized this teacher was different. In the first ten minutes I already did two new postures - which is out of the norm since I've been doing yoga for almost 15 years!

My mind started throwing a fit. "What is this pose?" "I've never even heard of this!" "Ugh this posture is terrible - am I even doing this right?!" "I do NOT like this teacher!" And on and on it went.

Until I caught it. Our minds love the familiar and resist the unfamiliar. That's why change is so difficult - because it literally doesn't feel good.

As soon as I caught myself I had to laugh. Then I just noticed the thoughts instead of letting myself get emotionally involved with them, and grounded back into the present moment by focusing on my breath and how my body was feeling.

If my mind chirped up again, I brought it right back. It reminded me how much we fight the unfamiliar in life. When things start to change, we throw little tantrums.

But the unfamiliar is where the magic happens in life! It wakes us up from sleep walking and opens our eyes to life. It gets us out of our comfortzones and into the present moment - which is the only time we ever have.

Welcome the unfamiliar. And soon the mind will be so used to the unfamiliar, the comments will quiet down.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


Over the weekend I spent time with dear of friends and their two young children.

Over the weekend I spent time with dear of friends and their two young children.

We talked about how there is no manual for parents, you just learn as you go. That's what our parents did. And their parents and their parents.

It's a beautiful part of the human experience - we're all just bumbling through life doing the best we can. All parents are well-intentioned but inevitably we pick up beliefs that stay programmed into our subconscious mind that just don't serve us anymore.

Maybe you were told not to talk to strangers as a child, but now it makes you feel like the world can't be trusted. Or you were taught that money doesn't grow on trees so now you live with a lack mentality.

A big part of our job in this lifetime is to UN-learn things that have been programmed into us. Remember the mind is a machine and just like a computer it can be programmed and more importantly, reprogrammed so we can install beliefs that align to what we consciously want.

If we continue to have a subconscious belief that isn't aligned with what we want consciously, we will be fighting against that all the time and things will seem difficult.

When our subconscious mind is programmed with what it is we DO want, our actions and behavior become effortless.

If you want to know what is in your subconscious mind, start looking at your outside world - your results, relationships etc are a direct reflection of your subconscious mind.

And if you're not satisfied with your outer world, it can easily be changed.

I'd love to take you on a journey to show you how.



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