Your Tribe

It's said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

I had the opportunity to mastermind with one of my amazing mentors and nine other incredible female entrepreneurs in NYC last week.

I'm not going to lie, when I first got there I was extremely intimidated being around these other 7&8 figure business owners with some remarkable achievements. But I had to remind myself that I was chosen and paid the money to be there just like the rest of them.

The day was so inspiring and uplifting and really helped me think bigger and stretch my mind. I was able to step into a higher version of myself and channel the version of me with my goal achieved.

It made me realize the importance of surrounding myself with people that help inspire that version of me; people who see me in that light and have businesses and habits I would like to emulate.

As we grow and expand into a new version of ourselves, sometimes that's difficult for the people around us who are so used to us being a certain way and are comfortable keeping us in that box.

Maybe it's time to create some space from those relationships that aren't serving who you want to be.

Are the people you spend the most time with people you admire? Want to be like/emulate? Supportive in your journey to become better? If not, start changing things up.



PS...Check out the most recent podcast I was on with my friend Kristi Amdahl. I really enjoyed recording this one - it's personal and I open up about things I typically don't. Listen on one of these platforms: Spotify Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts



