Question Your Thoughts

According to research, we have around 60,000 thoughts per day. And about 90% of them are the same thoughts we had the day before.

Most of the time we are completely unaware of these thoughts; so engrossed in them we can't even see them.

If you start paying attention, you'll see most of them are reliving the past or worried about the future. They're flying through our mind with no conscious awareness and then making us feel a certain way - usually negatively.

That feeling then emanates out and attracts back to us more thoughts, situations and circumstances that match that same feeling.

And the loop goes on.

If you want to start feeling better, a great place to start is looking at your repetitive thoughts. And then questioning them - are they true?

If they’re not making you feel good, what can you think instead?

The more you can become aware of your thoughts, the more you can change them and the better you feel. The better you feel, the more that good feeling gets broadcast out and attracts back more good into your life.

The only thing we truly have control over in life is our thoughts, so why not start exercising that control?



PS...If you want help learning how to change your thinking to create better results in your life, reply to this email or schedule a time with me here.


Alone vs Lonely

