What If

Recently I have been shifting all my worries to "What If" questions instead.

I learned about "What If" questions from one of the amazing teachers I studyunder and they have been so fun to use.

Worrying comes so naturally to me but it puts us in a negative, low vibration. And what's really the point of it?!

Most of what we worry about never even comes true!

So now when I catch myself worrying, I instead say "What if everything works out just as I want it to?" Or "What if everything is working out for my highest good?" Or even "What if I easily received everything I deserve?"

They help me relax and realize there's absolutely nothing to worry about. They make me trust that the universe has my back and everything I want will come when it's supposed to.

Remember: Worrying doesn't take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace.




Big Goals


Get Uncomfortable