Get Uncomfortable

Comfort zones - safe, warm, cozy and predictable. Bottom line is they feel good! That's why it's so difficult to get out of them.

I've preached a lot about getting uncomfortable and how important it is for our growth but I want you to know I practice what I preach.

My rule is do one thing per day that scares me.

Whether it's something like going live on instagram every Monday which I recently committed to or trying crossfit no matter how intimidated I was, I always feel good after I stretch myself.

This past weekend I was on a ski trip to Jackson Hole, WY. I've heard about the steepness of this mountain and my plan was to just stick on the lower part and play it safe.

Until I was convinced to head to the very top of the mountain where they make an announcement as you're going up that it is for expert skiers only - which I am far from.

Was I scared heading up there? YES! Did I play out all kinds of horrifyingsituations in my head? YES! Did I let the fear stop me? NO!!!

There are two ways to grow in life - get uncomfortable and do things that scare you. Or wait until life forces a situation on you where you have no choice. When you intentionally are growing and getting uncomfortable, it makes the life situations much easier to handle.

My challenge to you this week is to get uncomfortable - do one thing that scares you. I'd love to hear about it when you do :)




What If


Tug of War