Big Goals

On Friday I celebrated one year in business! And what a year it's been!

I've been spending a lot of time reflecting on the past year and honoring what I've accomplished.

When I started, I had some lofty goals for my first year. I saw myself with over a hundred clients and my target income by the end of year one was $100k/month.

Did I hit that? No. Was I disappointed? Absolutely not. Here's what I did accomplish:

—>Hit six figures in under a year
—>Replicated my former monthly income in month 12
—>Have an amazing group of clients that are changing their mindset and achieving their goals (which feels better than any amount of money coming in!)

Most people set goals they think they can achieve. Perhaps it's just a little stretch for them and they believe it will give them more confidence and momentum if they reach it.

NO! You need to set BIG, CRAZY, I call them OMG Goals. Ones that seem SO big but light you up inside!

If you don't hit it right away, no biggie. You'll have accomplished a heck of a lot more in that same amount of time than setting a "safe" goal.

You just keep aiming as high as you can and all the little goals fall into place.

We have a limited amount of time here on this third rock from the sun - make it count. Live the life you’re dreaming of - not the one you're settling for.

"Shoot for the moon - even if you miss you'll land among the stars."




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