Letting Go

Confession: I'm a control freak. I spend a lot of energy trying making sure everything goes as I want it in my life.

Which is why I always used to be a nervous flyer. Trying to sit back and relax while I don't know exactly what's going on and someone else has control was very difficult for me to do.

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to fly in a very small private aircraft - a Piper J3 Cub for any aviation buffs out there.

I thought I would be nervous but surprisingly I wasn't at all and it was an amazing experience! It was a perfect, clear Summer morning flying over the front range, seeing the Rocky Mountains and I was just admiring the beauty this magnificent state.

I felt confident and assured I would get back on the ground to our destination so I never felt the need to worry. Physics were on my side and once you know how a plane works, there's no need to worry.

As with most things I do now, I looked at this as a beautiful metaphor to life. As long as I set a destination - my goal- I can just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. When you understand how the mind and universal laws (like the law of attraction) work, you can just rest assured you will end up where you want to be.

Spending so much energy on trying to control the outcome is a waste and sends the message that we don't trust ourselves and the universe which then creates resistance to the goal we're trying to reach.

I have been watching where I am trying to control and consciously letting go as much as possible. That doesn't mean sitting back and doing nothing, but it means falling in love with whatever you are doing now without being attachedthe outcome - developing more trust that everything will work out.

I like the mantra - Let Go & Let God. Where can you start to let go?



PS...For the personal story of how I created this experience of getting to fly on this little private plane, check out my video on instagram here.



