
Over the weekend I spent time with dear of friends and their two young children.

We talked about how there is no manual for parents, you just learn as you go. That's what our parents did. And their parents and their parents.

It's a beautiful part of the human experience - we're all just bumbling through life doing the best we can. All parents are well-intentioned but inevitably we pick up beliefs that stay programmed into our subconscious mind that just don't serve us anymore.

Maybe you were told not to talk to strangers as a child, but now it makes you feel like the world can't be trusted. Or you were taught that money doesn't grow on trees so now you live with a lack mentality.

A big part of our job in this lifetime is to UN-learn things that have been programmed into us. Remember the mind is a machine and just like a computer it can be programmed and more importantly, reprogrammed so we can install beliefs that align to what we consciously want.

If we continue to have a subconscious belief that isn't aligned with what we want consciously, we will be fighting against that all the time and things will seem difficult.

When our subconscious mind is programmed with what it is we DO want, our actions and behavior become effortless.

If you want to know what is in your subconscious mind, start looking at your outside world - your results, relationships etc are a direct reflection of your subconscious mind.

And if you're not satisfied with your outer world, it can easily be changed.

I'd love to take you on a journey to show you how.




The Unfamiliar


Happiness is a State of Mind