I'm Busy

A typical conversation I have with someone whether it's a friend, prospect or client goes something like this:

"How are you?" "Good! I've been so busy."

When did busy become a badge of honor? Why is being busy so important in our society? We incessantly keep ourselves busy because we believe that's the way to get ahead.

We may be busy but are we being effective? Are we being present to our lives unfolding?! Or are we just stressed about the next thing to be done hurried through our days?!

I've been thinking a lot about this and I don't want to be busy. I've been filling my calendar jumping from meeting to meeting, event to event.

Although I love what I'm doing now, I find myself just caught back up in the same patterns of working all the time, rushing my life away, waiting for the outcome and striving to reach my goal.

It's time to change this. I want to get intentional about slowing down, creating some white space in my days.

I want to be able to pause and enjoy my morning cup of mud/wtr in a chair while reading, take in the buzzing noises of Spring during my morning walk, really be present with people while I'm having a conversation, eat mindfully and not scarf down a meal in between meetings.

This is what I'm working on. What are we all trying to prove anyway?

Who's with me?!





