Trying vs Doing

I just got back from another incredible retreat with one of my amazing teachers, Dr. Joe Dispenza and wow, I am FULL of insights.

"Trying is the illusion of separation." is one thing he said that stood out to me.

I think about this concept often because I hear clients and prospects tell me all the time "I'm trying to do this," or "I've tried that in the past," etc etc.

When we TRY we are setting ourselves up for failure. Trying implies you're going to put in the effort but you don't really expect it to happen.

Go for it and just DO it. Act like you KNOW it's going to work. Show up and get busy DOING it.

Trying means you're separate from the outcome. If you want to use your mind to get the results you want, you must feel like it's already happened NOW!

Think of something you're "trying" at and tackle it this week as doing. See how the outcome changes.






Drifting or Steering?