
Freedom is one of my highest values - both in life and in business.  

I cherish my freedom and I make it a point to contemplate and use my freedom often.

I notice when I speak to people how much they hold themselves in a prison of their own making.  And say things to me like "I can't do that because..."  Or "I wish I had time for that."  Or "Someday I'd like to do that."

Basically what I hear is - I am not free to do and live the way I want.  You're choosing to do something you feel obligated to do over what you actually want to do.  You're letting the present circumstance get in the way of the life you truly desire.

We're a product of all the decisions we make everyday.  Are you freed by the choices you make?  Or do they put you in a self-made prison?

Remember this is the land of the free and home of the brave.  We are extremely privileged to live in such a country.  Do something brave and exercise your freedom this week.



PS...I'm excited about hosting a Women in Finance Networking Mastermind on Thursday 7/21.  Check out the details here and pass along to anyone you think would be interested!


Letting Go


Your Tribe