
Ahh Memorial Day - the unofficial kickoff to Summer. A reason to celebrate, BBQ, spend time with family & friends.

We have so much fun we tend to forget the real reason for the holiday - to honor those who have died serving our country.

It makes me think of how courageous the men and women are that choose to serve our nation. To stand up for what is important to them.

Earl Nightingale has said the opposite of courage isn't cowardice - it's conformity.

I found myself wondering if I have courage. In some regards, yes I believe I do. I moved across the country without knowing anyone, I quit my job to start my own business, I force myself down black diamonds even though I'm terrified.

But in some areas, I still conform. I sacrifice my own needs and desires at times not wanting to upset the applecart.

-Avoiding a difficult conversation even if I feel hurt
-Not asking for what I need at the fear of sounding "needy"
-Agreeing to something just because everyone else is

I'm committed to designing the life I want and being a person I'm proud to be. With that, it is going to require even more courage - courage to honor myself first, not conform to what others expect of me and to stand up for what I believe in. It's a conscious decision I will have to make everyday.

Observe yourself - do you have courage?!




Question Your Thoughts


Laughter as Medicine