
Perception is one of our higher mental faculties that we’ve been gifted as human beings.  It’s defined as a way of regarding, understanding or interpreting.

I went for a hike over the weekend where I had an incredible view of Denver and the surrounding area. 

I could see the different highways and neighborhoods and the patterns they created.  All looking so perfectly orchestrated - unlike when you’re down in them and there doesn’t seem to be much rhyme or reason to it.

Everything seems more orderly from a higher view - like a perfectly laid out plan.

When I’m faced with a problem, challenging situation, disappointments etc. it’s easy to get stuck in the story of it and feel like a victim.

But what if we can take a higher view of what’s happening?  Maybe we can't see it now, but if you were to “zoom out” of your life, there would be order, a reason or bigger purpose for what you’re experiencing.  Always moving you towards your highest good.

Wayne Dyer has said “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

It’s a beautiful thing that we have the power to change our perception at any time.




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