Bad Days

I recently heard this phrase - a bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul.

What does that mean?  

It means that life doesn’t always go as we would prefer it to.  We’re often faced with challenges - sometimes ones so big they can bring us to our knees.  

But it is precisely those challenges where we learn, grow and expand the most.  It’s not always comfortable and the ego is going to be kicking and screaming as it fights to keep the status quo.  

The more the shell of the ego cracks, the more the soul (the truth of who we are) can shine through.  

The next time you’re faced with a challenge and you find yourself resisting what is happening - remember that the soul is extremely excited.  Can you take that perspective, come to neutrality on the matter and say “Oh isn’t this interesting?  I wonder who I will be on the other side of this.

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Your Avatar

We all have an "avatar"—the programmed self, shaped by societal conditioning, childhood experiences, and inherited beliefs. This is the ego-personality that most people mistakenly identify as their true self.

It's the voice in your head that tells you who you should be, how to act, and what’s "safe." It thrives on comparison, fear, and validation.

But here's the truth: This avatar isn't you. Beneath the conditioned responses and ego-driven desires lies your authentic essence—limitless, intuitive, and powerful.

When you peel back the layers of programming, you reconnect with your true identity: the creator, the observer, the soul with a purpose.

Transformation begins when you stop letting the avatar drive the car. Awareness is key. Ask yourself: Whose beliefs am I operating from? Are they aligned with the life I truly want to create? Real freedom and fulfillment come when you choose to rewrite the code.



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I watched an old movie recently with Meryl Streep and Albert Brooks called Defending Your Life.

It's about a man who finds himself in the afterlife, where he has to go on trial to examine if he lived his life out of fear, which determines if he has to try again back to Earth or is ready to move forward in the universe.  

During his trial, the character’s life is reviewed through video footage, with attorneys presenting evidence to show how fear dictated his choices.

If this is true, how would you be doing?  How many times have you played it safe and made a decision out of fear?

Or how often do you NOT do what you really want to do because of fear?

The courageous person is not someone who has no fear.  It’s someone who has fear and proceeds anyway.

Fear can be a great teacher if you don’t allow it to stop you. When you do allow it stop you, it becomes a barrier to growth, keeping you from discovering your true potential and the opportunities that lie beyond your comfort zone.

By observing your thoughts and actions with honesty and compassion, you can recognize when fear is influencing your decisions. Remember, fear is only as powerful as the energy you give it—acknowledge it, but don’t let it control you. 

You have the strength within you to face fear and move forward with courage—take that step and see what unfolds.



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Whether you’re extremely saddened by the election or elated thinking it’s the answer to all of your problems - or somewhere in between, I want to remind you of your sovereignty.

Sovereignty is supreme power or authority.  You are completely free and only you have supreme power over yourself.

We have been indoctrinated to believe that authority lies outside of us and our lives are governed by others.

This is not the truth!  We are divine, powerful beings.  We have the ability to create our own individual reality as we prefer it to be despite what is happening outside of us. 

As Viktor Frankl has so eloquently reminded us after he suffered in Nazis concentration camps, "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

I heard a stat recently - human beings have 50 trillion cells in our bodies.  Each cell has electrical power, about .07 volts, which may not seem like a lot.  But combined that is 3.5 trillion of POTENTIAL energy in your body!!!  That is incredible!

In order to access this divine power, we need to get quiet, still and go inside.  You have to learn to have mastery over your own consciousness, your own attention which is your greatest asset.

Stop outsourcing your power.  You are sovereign and you are free.



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Input = Output

As basic law of the universe is what you put out, you get back.  

I look at it as I am the input into the universe and then the universe sends something back to me.

Oftentimes we don’t realize things are correlated but the energy we are giving off in every moment is causing an experience in our lives.

You get frustrated and a few minutes later stub your toe.  You give a homeless person some money then get the first spot in the parking lot.  

It may not be immediate but what we’re sending out always comes back to us.

You don’t want to start pretending to be nice and hoping for good things in return.  That’s not genuine and you can’t fool the universe.

You want to be mindful of what you're feeling, what energy you are contributing to this world.  And if you're feeling something uncomfortable like anger, let yourself feel it and go scream into a pillow so you don’t bring it with you into the next thing.

Check in with yourself regularly and ask what am I feeling?  Is this what I want to have returned to me?  How can I elevate what I’m feeling in this moment?



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I believe I live a pretty magical life.  It’s because I look for magic every day and when you’re looking, you always find it.

A friend calls right after you were thinking about them?  Magic!  Ask for a sign and a penny shows up at your feetMagic!  A car cuts you off but their license plate says BREATHE?  Pure magic!

If you want to live a magical life, start looking for the magic all around you.  It can show up in the smallest of ways but once you start acknowledging it, more comes!

It’s a basic law that what you focus on EXPANDS.  So if you are focused on seeing magic, more magic is what you’ll see.  If you’re focused on all the negativity in the world, more negativity is what will expand in your awareness.

“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” Ronald Dahl

Start setting the intention to see magic everyday - I’d love to hear what starts to happen!



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What Do You Believe?

Beliefs are the blueprint of our reality.  Our mind is always looking to confirm our beliefs so what we believe to be true, is what we see and what we do.

What’s interesting about beliefs is many that we have were adopted at a young age and may no longer be serving us.  

In every moment, we have a choice on what we want to believe.  But many of our beliefs are subconscious so we have to pay attention to understand what we’re believing.  

For example, if you believe life is hard, that is what you are going to experience over and over until you become conscious of it and decide to believe something else.  

We are always choosing what we believe is to our benefit.  So even if it’s a belief that doesn’t serve us, on some level we believe that it does!  Perhaps it might be scarier to drop the belief (because we all love what's comfortable and known!)

Start paying attention to what is going on in your life and ask yourself “What do I have to believe in order to be experiencing this?"

If you don’t like what you’re experiencing, ask “What would I believe is going to happen that would be worse than what I am experiencing now?”

These simple questions can start unearthing beliefs that may be holding you back.



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I started meditating about nine years ago and I believe it is one of the single most powerful things that we can do to help transform our lives.

Meditation is for the mind what exercise is for the body - it helps to keep it in peak shape.

In this world of constant chaos and jumping from one thing to the next, it’s what allows us to divert our attention away from the distractions of the outer world and instead focus on our inner world.

What I constantly preach about is that it is our inner world that creates our outer world.  You will never find peace in your life if you don’t first find it within.  Nothing will make you happy if you don’t feel happy inside.  

Becoming still allows us to see the madness of the mind and may even bubble up emotions that we’ve been running from.  Which is a great thing because you give them a chance to pass through your system.

In the stillness is where you can hear your intuition, feel your own power, gain clarity and become present.

From there you can cultivate the feelings you want to experience such as peace, joy and fulfillment.  

It’s extremely powerful.  If you’re not taking time to be still each day, I encourage you to try it.



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Thoughts Become Things

We become what we think about all day long. This is the fundamental premise behind the law of attraction

What we think about, we bring about. We tend to go through our lives oblivious to this truth. We spend so much time thinking about the past and our current results, we don’t realize we are inadvertently attracting the same thing into our lives over and over again.

This isn’t an easy pill to swallow sometimes.  Becoming a conscious creator of your life means taking radical personal responsibility.  We have to realize that with responsibility comes power.  

Because if we saySomething out there is causing my problems and I’m just witnessing them,” then we are powerless to change our reality

When we take responsibility, we take our power back and then we have the ability to change our b.

Pay attention to the dialogue in your mind - and try changing your thoughts to align with what you prefer to experience instead of the same usual thoughts that run through your head.



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I used to define success as climbing the corporate ladder, making a lot of money, having a nice car and being a bad@$$ business woman.  

My definition has changed.  A LOT.  I accomplished those things and I still wasn’t genuinely happy

Success to me now means freedom - the ability to do what I want to do when I want to do it.  It means slow mornings, a good night’s sleep, no stress, a peaceful mind, calm and “boring” days, being present, appreciating the small things, enjoying each day equally and not living for the future whether it be weekends, a vacation or the next milestone.  

I look at my life now and wonder if my 25 year old self would be disappointed - no drinking, homebody, gave up the high powered corporate job, living with more simplicity.  But then I realize that 25 year old version of me was just desperately just trying to prove herself.

So I just acknowledge that version of me and give her permission to rest and enjoy the life we’ve built.  I needed her to get to where I am today.

What is your definition of success?  Does it still suit you?  Or maybe you want to consider a new definition.



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State of Being

I’m deepening my understanding that the only thing that truly matters is our inner state of being.

What do I mean by this?  True empowerment comes from finding deep peace and joy within yourself and not from the outer events in your life.

Everything in life is temporary and fleeting. We often grasp to outer things to try and make us happy - a relationship, a house, more money etc. 

But those outer things come and go and maybe they fulfill you temporarily but then there’s always another desire, another mountain to climb.

Once we start to understand this, we can witness the conditioned minds’ wanting and believing that happiness and fulfillment lie outside of ourselves.  Just noticing it and not actually believing it.

Remembering that true joy, peace and fulfillment are only found inside of us. From sitting quietly, getting to know ourselves and learning how to cultivate these feelings inside.  The peace and joy that passes all understanding.

Life is not about what happens to you - what truly matters is your inner state of being. Cultivating that comes true power



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Perfectionism is when we create a certain persona that we want to show to the world.  We want to manage other people’s perceptions of us.  

I’ve recently become aware about how much I do this!  I am off in someone else’s business wondering what they’re thinking of me and how I want to come off to them.  This has been so unconscious I haven’t even realized I’ve been doing it.

I believe many people actually do this.  When we are young, we somehow are taught that “it’s not safe to be me.”  Then we cover up our true selves and live from our minds strategizing and navigating from a mind-made persona.  Instead of just allowing ourselves to be in our full authenticity.

This is why we end up in jobs we don’t love, numbing with alcohol and food, in relationships that aren’t fully aligned and always searching for that next thing to do to help us escape.  It's painful to not be who we truly are!  

I believe my work is to break this pattern in myself and live fully in my authenticity.  And the more I can do this, the more I can help others do the same.  I know I’ve mentioned this before but I keep uncovering deeper and deeper layers of how this shows up in my life.

Become aware of your inner dialogue and feelings and see if you are managing how other people are perceiving you.  You are a unique, beautiful soul and the best thing you can contribute to this world is to be your magnificent self.



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Operating Systems

I speak about this often but my belief is we have two operating systems - one from the ego and one from the soul.

Or you can call it the mind and the heart, or human animal vs. human spirit

The first is entrenched in fear, competition, lack, survival and self-importance.  

The latter comes from a place of abundance, cooperation, understanding, compassion, generosity and love.

In every moment, we have an option on which to operate from.  Unfortunately, the ego or the human animal side which is driven by instinct, kicks in first.  

It takes a lot of awareness to notice it, pause and choose a different response.

Viktor Frankl, the Austrian psychologist, said “Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Notice when you react from fear, lack or self-importance.  Take a pause to breathe and choose to respond from love, which is our true nature.  This is self-mastery.



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I believe one of the core wounds of all humans is not feeling enough. Many of us feel not good enough, not rich enough, not pretty enough, not successful enough - whatever it is, most people feel they are lacking in some way...

I believe one of the core wounds of all humans is not feeling enough

Many of us feel not good enough, not rich enough, not pretty enough, not successful enough - whatever it is, most people feel they are lacking in some way.

We’ve actually been conditioned in this way!!!  From the time we are young, there is so much in our society that unconsciously sends this signal to us.

Then we are constantly trying to fill this void for the rest of our lives unless we realize we are enough.  That we are already perfect, whole and complete just as we are.

This doesn’t mean we don’t continue to grow - but we grow from a place of fullness, from knowing our worth.

Just like a tree which always knows it’s enough yet continues to grow and expand because that is its inherent nature.

 Clients and prospects I speak with often think this mindset is what drives them to succeed.  But I promise if this is the energy you are in, there is always going to be another mountain to climb.  If you are looking to fill your enoughness from the outside, it will never be filled!  It has to come from within.

When you accept yourself fully and know that you are enough, you create the conditions for true growth.  And the best part?  You enjoy the journey!!!  Because you know there is no destination.  You are enough now and so you just enjoy the ride.  

This is a concept I am still working on.  Try affirming to yourself that you are enough and start showing up in the world in this way.  



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Upper Limits

One of my favorite books is the Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.  In it, he discusses the idea that people have a limit on how much success, love and abundance they believe they deserve.  

This limit acts like a thermostat setting and can manifest itself as subconscious self-sabotage that occurs when someone experiences success. 

Recently, I’ve been feeling a lot of anxiety.  It’s been frustrating because I thought I overcame the anxiety I used to be so prone to so wasn’t sure why it was coming back with a vengeance.  

This weekend while at a retreat I set an intention to explore this anxiety and dive into instead of run from it.  As I did that, I had this realization that the anxiety is how I upper limit myself.

My life has been going extremely well recently and my mind and body are going into high alert not believing this is possible.  To put an end to the good feelings I’ve been feeling, all this anxiety has been popping up.

As soon as I came to this realization by sitting in the discomfort of my own anxiety, it melted away and I began to laugh.

This is your invitation to see the ways you upper limit yourself with worry, doubt, fear, anxiety etc.  The ways in which you sabotage yourself and step into the discomfort instead of running from it.

The affirmation I like to use is I expand in love abundance and success everyday as I inspire those around me to do the same.



PS...Join me this Wednesday at 2:30 MST | 4:30 EST for my next Conscious Conversation around this topic of Upper Limits and how to reprogram our subconscious mind for more love, abundance and success!  Register here.

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Raise your hand if you’re a control freak!  You can’t see me, but I have both arms straight up.

Yes, I am a control freak.  And the more aware I become, the more I realize how much I feel the need to control.  

I believe we all have this need for control in us (some of us more so than others) but it’s a way our beautiful human mind tries to keep us safe.

The truth of the matter is that we are on a rock hurling through space and as much as our little mind would like to think it’s controlling things, it’s not.

The antidote to control is trust, specifically self-trust.  If we can develop unshakeable trust in ourselves, there is nothing we need to control.  Because we know we will be able to navigate anything and everything that comes our way.

Let go of the reigns a bit and relax - nothing is under control.



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What if success was measured by how much you laughed every day?  How would you rank?  Would you consider yourself to be successful?

We tend to take our lives so seriously.  We get caught up in the day to day trials and tribulations. But what if none of it is important?!

When you’re 90, do you think you’ll be worried about what you’re worried about today?!  Most likely not.

Charlie Chaplin said:  “Life is tragedy when seen in close-up, but  a comedy in the long shot.”

Remember that what you’re worried about today won’t matter in 25, 50, 100 years.  

Let’s not take life and ourselves so seriously.  Find something that makes you laugh today.  



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Imposter Syndrome

The persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a results of one’s own efforts or skills.

Imposter syndrome is real!  And it’s a sneaky little b***h!  

I often see how I discredit myself for what I accomplish.  Or I feel bad or guilty when someone makes a comment like “Looks like you’re doing great!”

Why do I do this?!  And I know it’s not just me, I see it in other people too.  

I hear comments like “I got lucky.”  And “I’m just so blessed.”  

Why are we playing small and not owning our power?!

We are powerful creators, children of God - how are we NOT living magnificent, wonderful lives by design.  We work hard, put in effort and do hard things.

Let’s start taking credit for all the wonderful things going on in our lives and accomplishments. Whatever little voice in our head that is telling otherwise is a lie.



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Living from the End

What would you be doing today if you had everything you desired?  What would you be thinking?  How would you be feeling?

One of the biggest keys to manifesting whatever it is you desire in your life is to live from the end.  What does that mean?  

It means acting and feeling as if the manifestation is already here

Let’s look at money for an example.  If you had all the wealth you desire, you wouldn’t worry about money.  You wouldn’t have thoughts of lack like “I can’t afford that.”  You would feel wealthy, abundant and supported NOW.

If you want to experience wealth, you have to be conscious of being wealthy.  If you want to experience health, you have to be conscious of being healthy.

It’s about going inside on a moment to moment basis and feeling as though what you desire is already here.

Even Jesus said, “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

What is it you desire in your life?  Take some time to write out how you would be thinking and feeling if that thing was already in your life.  Then take time everyday to feel into that state as much as possible.  And soon it will be yours.



PS...Ready to make some changes in your life?! Join my Alchemy mastermind starting tomorrow!  Reply to this email or schedule a call with me to see if it’s a good fit!  

PPS...Join me Wednesday at 2:30 MST | 4:30 EST for my next
Conscious Conversation on how to attract more wealth into your life!

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Sober on a Drunk Planet

I’m currently reading a book titled Sober on a Drunk Planet.  I wanted to read it because summer brings with it certain triggers that make me crave a drink such as playing golf or being outside on a patio with friends.

Quitting drinking has been such a positive in my life and I’m so proud of myself for this decision and it now being 2 1/2 years since I’ve had a drink. I don’t like to impose my opinions about sobriety onto anybody else because I feel this is a very personal decision for everyone but I felt compelled to write this email.

I always thought and this book confirms that we live on a drunk planet. Our culture and many others are centered around alcohol.  So many events, holidays, parties etc. have alcohol at the core.  It can be difficult sometimes to go to certain events where everyone is overserved and acting foolishly

It makes me wonder why our idea of a good time is getting to the point where our inhibitions are extremely low, judgment impaired and you possibly even forget some parts of the night.  To me, that’s the opposite of being present to your life.  Then you wake up in the morning, feeling crappy and have to spend at least a day recovering from the night before.  Not to mention the moral hangover that might also accompany it.

I don’t know about you, but as I get older, I want to sharpen my mental clarity, not dampen it.  I am so focused on feeling good and my mental/emotional state as I know that it is creating our reality so I don’t want any outside substance tampering with that and making me feel badly.  It’s already hard enough to hold a positive state in a world of chaos as it is!

As I reflect on my relationship with alcohol, no one, including myself, thought I had a drinking problem.  But if I am completely honest with myself, I did.  It takes a lot of courage to admit that and be sober on a drunk planet. I don’t believe there are many quick fixes in life but giving up alcohol is certainly a quick fix to getting in shape, being more productive, and feeling better.

If you’re looking to cut down on drinking or eliminate it completely, I am here to support you.



PS...Ready to make some changes in your life?! Join my Alchemy mastermind starting next week!  Read about it here or schedule a call with me to see if it’s a good fit!  If you join by tomorrow, you can partake in the kick-off bonus call!

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Young at Heart

I spent the last few days in Lake George, NY celebrating my Dad’s 80th birthday.  We booked this trip last year and it’s been months in the making.

The weekend did not disappoint!  We had the most amazing time all together filled with so much love and laughter.  

My dad’s spirit is remarkable.  If you were to meet him, you’d never guess he is 80.  He has so much energy to play with and chase his grandkids around, he played 120 rounds of golf last year and he even wanted to try tubing while we were on the boat!

It was a great reminder why we all could use this young, playfulness in our lives. 

We get so bogged down with life taking everything so seriously.  But the trick to not aging so rapidly is to be playful and young at heart!  Try new things, play, have fun, create.

You don’t have to stop playing just because you’re an adult.  That’s just another outdated belief we can let go of.

You are never too old to try something new.  Break stereotypes and defy the norm.

And remember that the first step to enlightenment is to lighten up :)



PS...Ready to get rid of outdated beliefs and reprogram your subconscious for more fun and ease?! Join my Alchemy mastermind starting next week!  Read about it here or schedule a call with me to see if it’s a good fit! 

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