State of Being

I’m deepening my understanding that the only thing that truly matters is our inner state of being.

What do I mean by this?  True empowerment comes from finding deep peace and joy within yourself and not from the outer events in your life.

Everything in life is temporary and fleeting. We often grasp to outer things to try and make us happy - a relationship, a house, more money etc. 

But those outer things come and go and maybe they fulfill you temporarily but then there’s always another desire, another mountain to climb.

Once we start to understand this, we can witness the conditioned minds’ wanting and believing that happiness and fulfillment lie outside of ourselves.  Just noticing it and not actually believing it.

Remembering that true joy, peace and fulfillment are only found inside of us. From sitting quietly, getting to know ourselves and learning how to cultivate these feelings inside.  The peace and joy that passes all understanding.

Life is not about what happens to you - what truly matters is your inner state of being. Cultivating that comes true power



Adrienne Grace - State of Being Blog


