I started meditating about nine years ago and I believe it is one of the single most powerful things that we can do to help transform our lives.
Meditation is for the mind what exercise is for the body - it helps to keep it in peak shape.
In this world of constant chaos and jumping from one thing to the next, it’s what allows us to divert our attention away from the distractions of the outer world and instead focus on our inner world.
What I constantly preach about is that it is our inner world that creates our outer world. You will never find peace in your life if you don’t first find it within. Nothing will make you happy if you don’t feel happy inside.
Becoming still allows us to see the madness of the mind and may even bubble up emotions that we’ve been running from. Which is a great thing because you give them a chance to pass through your system.
In the stillness is where you can hear your intuition, feel your own power, gain clarity and become present.
From there you can cultivate the feelings you want to experience such as peace, joy and fulfillment.
It’s extremely powerful. If you’re not taking time to be still each day, I encourage you to try it.