You Are So Powerful

Wow what a week I had at the meditation retreat with Dr Joe Dispenza! We spent anywhere between 4-7 hours a day meditating including one where we woke up at 3:30 to do a 4am meditation that lasted over four hours!

I know this may sound crazy to some people but wow was it powerful. To sit with yourself, to confront your thoughts, your emotions, your fears, your old patterns that are running you.

One of the things I found so cool is how we can get ourselves into certain states just from thoughts alone.

There were a few meditations where I was in a state of total bliss with tears of gratitude running down my face in complete awe of life.

It was a true example of how if we're in a negative state all we have to do is change the THOUGHTS!

How empowering is it to know that you alone have the ability to completely change your emotional state that quickly?!

We all get so caught in the victim mentality blaming other people and situations for how we feel but that just gives our power away and keeps us stuck.

Where you put your ATTENTION is where you put your ENERGY.

What are you spending your precious energy on?

If you want to feel better, you have the power to change it right now.

Try it.



PS...If you want to learn more what it takes to create better habits of thinking and feeling to create the life you really want, let's talk.


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