Is 8/10 good enough?

A question I often ask people is - on a scale of 1-10, how happy are you? The typical response is "I am very happy, I'd say 8/10." Which at first sounds good, but is it really?

8/10 = 80% = B- = Slightly above average

Is "slightly above average" good enough for you?

For me it sure isn't. We only get one life, one chance to live the way we want and leave the legacy we wish. One shot on this planet, one try at our best effort.

Many people are building for a better tomorrow but what if that tomorrownever comes?

Joy and happiness are our birth right and we should strive for that all the time - a 10 every single day!

If you're not a 10, ask yourself WHY.

Happiness doesn't just come, it's our job to cultivate that 10.

Remember: Your state of being creates your circumstances and not the other way around.

Do one thing today to bring yourself closer to that 10 and you'll start to attractmore of those experiences into your life.



Take a look at my latest YouTube video to hear my takeaways from the Dr Joe retreat.

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Say Yes


You Are So Powerful