Write Your Script

Did you know we have an internal, subconscious self-image of ourselves that dictates all of our behavior and results?  This is one of the things I coach on that has been most impactful in my life.  

This internal self-image acts like a thermostat and anytime you try to accomplish something outside of that image, it's just going to bring you right back to where it's set.  Basically you will sabotage yourself to stay congruent to that internal image.

I recently watched the Elvis movie and was so impressed by the acting.  The actor took that script and completely became Elvis.  

When Jim Carrey played Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon, Jim never broke character the entire time he worked on the movie.  He expressed that after the movie was done he didn't know where Andy ended and he began.

We can do the same thing.  We can create a character of who we want to be and then step into that role.  

One of the ways this has been so impactful in my life is when I'm faced with decisions - I can then tune into the version of me I want to be and decide from there.

Does the highest version of Adrienne skip the gym just because she's tired?  No.  Does she skip writing a Monday email because she doesn't feel like it?  No!  Does she put herself out there everyday even when she's scared?  Yes!

The law is Be-Do-Have:  You start by BEING that person, DO the things they would do, then you can HAVE those results




Sowing & Reaping


Head vs Heart