Sowing & Reaping

I love the fall.  It's such a beautiful time of year, it's much quieter and still than the buzzing sounds of Summer and I'm still always fascinated by the changes in seasons.

As I participated in a bunch of fall activities this weekend, I thought about how it's harvest season.  Farmers had to plant their crops earlier in the year, tend to them all Summer and now is when they see the fruits of their labor.

Sowing and reaping is a natural law of the universe.  It applies to everything in life.  What we sow today we will reap tomorrow.  What we are facing today is a result of what we sowed yesterday.  

If you don't like what is happening in your life currently, you can start to change today by making different decisions.

The problem is in this world of instant gratification and immediacy, we lack the patience of sowing and reaping.  

The good decisions you make today need to be made everyday and tended to in order to reap the benefits you want later.  But when we don't see results, we typically stop making those good decisions.

For example, you know eating dessert isn't good for the energy and vitality you want to create, but you also know eating it won't make you fat tomorrow so you do it.  You don't realize that little decision is eroding the health you're craving in the future.

You procrastinate on something you know is in your best interest, but it's easy not to do it today.

All of these little decisions are so easy not to do because you're not seeing instant results and when we don't, we have trouble believing they're coming.

If you want to create a better future for yourself, you must plant the seeds today, tend to them daily and have patience and faith that it will pay off.

Everyday is your garden - treat it as such.






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