Head vs Heart

I just returned back from a two week pilgrimage to Egypt - it was an ineffable experience that I will need to sit with for a while before I can even explain it.

One thing that stood out to me that I immediately noticed and wanted to share about the Egyptian culture is how they operate much more from their hearts versus their head.

From the ancient Egyptians and all I learned about them to everyone I encountered in my travels.

What was so interesting was even in the stores when a sales clerk was helping me with a purchase, they would tell me to hold it in my hands, close my eyes and FEEL what the decision was in order to make a purchase

This is so different from how we typically operate in our culture.  We think rationally, logically, very much relying on our intellect to guide us.  Asking ourselves questions like - is this a good deal?  Will I use it?  Is it practical?  Etc.

We’ve become so disconnected from our hearts and our feelings.

If we start to listen, we’ll notice how our heart speaks to us in just a clear yes or no.  Our minds come up with the reasons, justifications and all the other nonsense that comes up when making a decision.

Often times what the heart wants doesn’t make sense, it’s illogical.  So then logic is actually resistance to what’s in our hearts.  

Start tuning into your heart to feel your way into decisions. If something is a yes, do it anyway even if it doesn’t seem logical.  When you start listening to your heart over your head, your life starts to unfold much more effortlessly.

This has been a constant practice for me (and will continue to be) but I’m starting to experience the magic of it.

Try it.




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