Why Not Me?

I hear people arguing for their limitations regularly.

"I couldn't do that."
"Now isn't the right time for me to try/do that."
"I'm too _____ for that." (Fill in old, out of shape, busy etc.)
"I can't afford that."

Including myself. I find myself looking at other people thinking they're able to do something that I'm not.

Why do we argue for our limitations and think things are not possible for us?! We are limitless beings with infinite potential. Why do we sell ourselves short?

My new motto is "Why not me?" If someone else can do it, why not me? I'm changing the script in my mind to I CAN if I want to.

Limitations are MIND made. They are old stories we tell ourselves. And we create our lives from these stories so let's change them to be more empowering.

I love this quote by Steve Bow:

"God's gift to us is more talent and ability than we will ever use in a lifetime. Our gift to God is to develop as much of that talent and ability as we can in this lifetime."

You have so many gifts inside of you waiting to come out. Don't let your life pass with music still in you - work on developing your talent and ability daily. You might surprise yourself how talented you really are.




Find the Lessons

