Find the Lessons

Sundays are my day for getting myself ready for the week.  I love nothing more than entering Monday with a clean home, clean sheets and knowing I’m organized and ready to tackle the week.

Yesterday was an unusual Sunday because I was going to a concert last night.  So I put myself on a strict schedule of getting everything done by 4:00.

When I made my stop at Whole Foods, I breezed in there and filled my cart up in less than 15 minutes.

Then I got into line to check out and I was the second person.  I was feeling good and happy that I was going to be in and out of there and stay on schedule.  

But the woman in front of me had a ton of stuff and the cashier was talking to her non-stop and verrrry slowly scanning and bagging.  I was watching the people in the line next to me finish one after another and I was cursing myself for picking the wrong line.

Finally she started with my stuff and the cashier was bubbly, SO happy and genuinely curious about me - what I was doing that weekend, my holiday plans and even started singing a song when I told her I was going to a concert.

She was having a BLAST while I was standing there in a tizzy that she was taking so long.  I stopped myself.  Why is this making me so mad?  This gal is having a blast at her job.  Who am I to ruin that for her and think my time is more important than her enjoying what she’s doing?!  Plus me being annoyed wasn't affecting her at all, it was only creating suffering for me.

I laughed at myself and the ways I can get so worked up over nothing.

Remember life is always happening FOR us.  And when we can pause in those moments of frustration and ask ourselves - what’s the lesson here?  We can see things from a totally different perspective.

I believe that cashier was reminding me to stop, slow down and have fun no matter what I’m doing.  I instantly became grateful for the lesson and my frustration melted away.  I took my time having fun with the rest of my Sunday tasks and got everything done while also having fun doing it.

That my friend is how we can create a whole new reality for ourselves.  One of gratitude, peace and joy instead of angst, resistance and always needing the outside to go our way to feel good.

Change your perceptions and your life will change - I promise.





Why Not Me?