
Over the weekend, I had the super cool and fun experience of entering the multiverse on an awesome Virtual Reality Tom Gun ride.

I was completely engrossed in the world of fighter pilots soaring through mountains and shooting down enemies for five minutes and completely forgot about what was going on around me.

It reminded me about how we have a miraculous tool right at our fingertips to completely transport us anywhere we want to go - our imagination.

Napoleon Hill has said "Imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known."

Why is that?

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself on a beach, sun shining on your face, feet in the cool sand, waves rhythmically coming to shore, the scent of salt water. Can you see it? Stay there for a few minutes, then come back and see how you feel.

Better, right? It took just a few minutes of imagining something tranquil and beautiful for you to instantly feel better in this moment.

That's one of the many reasons why our imagination is so powerful.

If you're feeling blah, negative, frustrated and you instantly want to feel better - try going into your imagination. Imagine somewhere you'd rather be, imagine someone you love right before you, imagine the situation as you'd like it to be.

The more you can practice this, the more vivid your imagination will get, the better you will be at using it as a tool to elevate your state. And the more you will see how what you imagine becomes your reality.

Because remember, everything is created twice - once in the mind and then in physical reality. Your phone, computer, house, office building etc - all started as an idea in someone's imagination before it moved into form.

What do you want to create? Imagine it and visit it often until it becomes your reality.




Why Not Me?


One Year Milestone