Upper Limits

You may have seen the story I posted last week about the mountain house I manifested (if not you can read it here).

While I am so happy and grateful to have this wonderful home, it has been causing me A LOT of stress occupying a lot of my mental energy thinking about money, repairs that need to be done, the housing market etc etc.  

I have to keep catching myself and calling my mind back to the present moment.  While these may be valid concerns, there’s little that I can do about most of the things I am worrying about.  

Worrying is a way we “upper limit” ourselves.  We have an internal thermostat that is always looking to bring us back to the temperature we set our lives to.  So when we accomplish something that’s outside the norm and turns up the heat, our minds immediately look to cool it off.

Worrying, criticizing, getting sick or injured are all ways our subconscious mind kicks in to sabotage the situation and bring us right back down to where our thermostat is set.  Or one area of your life starts to take off and then another area of your life falls apart.

It’s how our subconscious mind tries to keep us “safe” but all it really does is prevent us from having or enjoying all of the good we want in life.

This has been happening to me big time.  I have SO many wonderful things going on in my life right now, the heat is getting so high I can see how my internal thermostat is pulling out all the stops to bring the temperature back down.

Awareness is always the fist step.  Just being aware of this, I am able to see the stress and worry for what it is - upper limit behavior.  And just try to bask in the gratitude and goodness of my life and new home as much as possible.

Take a few minutes to pause, focus on what is going well in your life and spend a few minutes feeling great about it.  The more we can spend soaking in the good moments, the higher the thermostat temp will set to and the less we will self-sabatoge.




Embrace the Suck


Fresh Start