Fresh Start

Ahh a new year, a clean slate, a fresh start.  That’s what we all think the start of the year is for.

In reality, we all are getting that opportunity every day. You’re suddenly more aware of it at the start of the year.  But you can shift that awareness at any time.  Every moment is a clean slate, a fresh start.  Another chance to be grateful and enjoy life.  

Day by day, if you create a beautiful day, you will create a beautiful month, then a beautiful year and soon a beautiful life.  So look at your days.  Each day one by one. It is a brick in the castle of your life.  What are you building?  If you’re not present in the day, if you’re stuck in things you’re not enjoying then what kind of life are you creating?  

If you spend 5 of the 7 days a week doing something you don’t like or resent or get agitated by, then soon your whole castle will be mostly those dark bricks.  You won’t like it, you don’t want to live in it and it won’t be strong or solid.  It will crumble.  It will be easy to blow over and your whole world to fall down.  But if you build it one beautiful day after another only sprinkled with a couple “bad” days here or there, then your castle will be a magnificent creation and it will be really difficult to come falling down on you. 

Start building what you want.  Start building the beautiful castle of your life. Start building exactly what you want brick by brick, day by day.  Remember every day is a new creation to make something wonderful.  

Take stock at the end of your days. Ask yourself, did I love today?  Did you love what you did?  How did you spend your precious minutes and hours?  If not, why not?  What could you do tomorrow to start expanding more of what you love?  Start small, start with 10 minutes of something you love each day.  Then build from there and soon your whole day will be beautiful and magnificent, then your week, then months, then your life.  That’s how you create the life you want.




Upper Limits

