Embrace the Suck

I started taking dance classes last year as just something fun and different than my normal exercise routines.  I mostly go to a beginner dance fitness class where we learn a basic routine that’s pretty easy to follow even for the coordinately challenged like me.

I’ve really enjoy it and it has pushed me out of my comfort zone.  Last week I wanted to try another class that I also thought was going to be a beginner/basic type class.  But that was NOT the case.  The teacher and the few students in the class were well-trained, VERY good jazz dancers.  I was so completely out of my element, I kept looking at the door wondering if I can somehow make a nonchalant escape.

The teacher kept yelling out moves that I had no idea what they were like pas de bourré, which was the only one I even recognized because of a Friends episode when Joey tried out for a broadway musical 😂

I stuck it out and by the end of class I actually was able to keep up with the routine and even hit some of the harder moves!  Instead of letting the embarrassment get the best of me, I chose to laugh at myself, relax and have fun.  

It made me realize that we can do anything we want to do if we’re willing to be bad at it.  Most of the time our ego gets in the way and we don’t want to be bad so it prevents us from trying and experiencing new things.

Stop taking yourself so seriously.  Try something new you always wanted to do and embrace sucking, you’ll have more fun and you’ll see you’re capable of so much more!






Upper Limits