Unlimited Potential

I recently watched the new docu-series on Netflix about Arnold Schwarzenegger.  He’s someone who has always been fascinating to me after reading a little bit about him in the updated edition of Napoleon Hill’s classic Think & Grow Rich (which much of what I coach on is based on.)

He excelled in not just one but THREE completely different talents in his lifetime.  Something he said really struck me - “I knew if I could see it in my mind, it was possible for me.”

I believe we are never given a desire that we don’t have the ability to fulfill.  Just the fact that you can see it in your mind, is PROOF it is possible for you!

We have SO much potential and the possibilities for our lives are endless.  But our old patterning and conditioning often stands in the way between us living our highest potential.

Our mind is creating our reality with our beliefs and what we focus on.  When we can develop that incredible belief in ourselves and then learn how to use our mind to focus on what we want, we become LIMITLESS!  

Don’t settle for things as they are.  Don’t let people tell you things aren’t possible.  Forge your own path and live your life with no regrets!  I promise you, you are capable of so much more!!





