
I spent the weekend with a community in Denver that were some of the most loving, accepting people I've ever met who are all dedicated to their own personal growth.  I went in only knowing one woman and left with a whole slew of new, genuine friendships.

The most amazing part of the experience was how REAL I could be with anyone I spoke with.  I could open up about anything - parts of my past I'm not proud of, shameful secrets I don't often share, my deepest thoughts and fears that are difficult to speak.

Anything I said, no matter who it was to, was met with nothing but compassion and understanding.  I never felt judged and allowed people to see ALL parts of me that I typically hide especially when just meeting someone new.

I didn't wear an ounce of makeup all weekend, didn't do my hair and still felt so loved and accepted by everyone for who I was.

These are the types of people and experiences I've been craving in life.  Deep authenticity where I can be my most open and free self and seen for who I am, not what I look like.  

What you realize is that everyone has similar stories, experiences, thoughts etc. and you're not the only one struggling with the things that can feel so isolating

This is the type of community I strive to create among my clients which is why I always am real and authentic about my experiences.  And it's been so fun to watch some of the connections that have formed between them!

If this is something you are looking for, I am here for you - to just be a nonjudgmental friend to listen to anything you want to share.  Authenticity = Freedom.

In light of this, here's a pic of me - wet hair, no makeup, sweats.  The most raw and authentic me.




Best Day Ever


Unlimited Potential