
While in Paris last month, I learned the Mona Lisa was not actually finished.  In fact, many of the works of art that we consider masterpieces weren’t completed.

That’s so interesting to me and made me sigh with relief.

As a perfectionist, I am always looking for the end, for something to be completed - and completed perfectly.  This was a great reminder that most things in life are unfinished and it can still be amazing and perfect just as it is.

There is beauty in something being unfinished.  It reflects the messiness of life and how it’s still amazing despite more to that needs to be completed.

It’s cliche but life is a journey, not a destination.  And when we can embrace that nothing is ever finished, we can give ourselves more grace.  We will always be a work in progress and there is beauty and perfection in that.

Embrace the unfinished messiness of life - it’s your masterpiece.





Spring Renewal

