Spring Renewal

Today is the Spring Equinox - hooray!  We’re leaving the depths of Winter hibernation and the renewal of Spring is starting.  We can learn a lot from looking at nature.  It’s a time of movement, action, clearing out the old and making room for the new.  There’s an abundance all around of everything needed for nature to flourish.

Trees start budding into beautiful colors, dirt on the ground turns to loads of grass, meek streams turn into flowing rivers, more animals are around as much more food is available.  It’s one of my favorite times of the year.

Tap into the abundance that is all around you - you have everything you need and more to live an amazing life.  You have always been provided for.  Open up to the abundance that your life has always provided and be grateful for it.

What we appreciate, appreciates!  So if we appreciate the abundance that’s been given to us, we get more abundance.  When we’re always thinking about what we don’t have and how we want MORE, we become blind to how much has been given to us already and it cuts off the flow.  How can the universe ever provide more if you aren’t happy with what it’s already provided?!?

Spring is a time to renew - our homes, our mind, our energy.  Use this time to clear out your space and your mind.  Let go of anything that doesn’t serve you.  Let go of the thoughts of lack and make room for even more abundance to come into your life





The Unknown

