
I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  And spirit is always for expansion.  Take a look at nature and you will see how things are always getting bigger, fuller, expanding.  As spiritual beings, we should always be growing and expanding as well.

It’s ok to want more for yourself and your life.  But I think there is a fine balance between wanting more for ourselves and the endless wants of our ego.  Our ego is never satisfied, is always wanting more but coming from an energy of lack or trying to fill something.  

If you were to become conscious of what your ego was saying, it would sound something like this:

“When I have this or that, THEN I will be happy.”  
“I’m not good enough as I am now, but once I have X, I will be.”
“There’s not enough to go around, I need to get all I can!”

The ego is super sneaky and I find myself falling into its traps often.  Recently, I’ve been catching myself just looking at the future, always looking for more and forgetting about all the amazing things in my life right now.

The trick is being grateful and completely satiated NOW while still desiring more just for the fun of it.  Because being grateful and wanting more are NOT mutually exclusive.

Take a look at your underlying reasons for wanting more.  Is it for you, for the true joy of experiencing all of life has to offer?  Or is it coming from the ego?  Out of fear and lack?!

Can you shift into the present moment and be utterly grateful for everything in your life right now?  
Come from the energy of not needing anything but looking to experience more to help expand you to the next level.







Being Nice