The Unknown

Our human minds have a tendency to want to figure everything out.  We are uncomfortable with the idea of not knowing.  But why?  The unknown is beautiful space to be in.  It’s filled with possibilities; filled with endless things that we haven’t even dreamed up.

When you sit down to read a book, if you knew the ending and exactly what was going to happen, would you even read it??  Probably not.  So why do we want to do that with our lives?  

The universe wants to surprise and delight us but it can’t do that if we’re always anticipating what is going to happen.  The brain is an anticipation machine so we need to become aware of how much it is anticipating the future and bring ourselves back to the present moment.

If we’re always assuming what is going to happen, that is what shows up for us.

Sit in the unknownMagic and miracles can only happen in there. 






Spring Renewal