
"Comparison is the thief of joy."  I heard that one time and it has really stuck with me.  

You may have seen on social media my posts about April 1st was my second anniversary in business.  Approaching the two year mark, I was feeling all kinds of stress and negative feelings because I thought at two years in, I should be "further."  

When I examined that belief, I realized how silly and unproductive it was.  What is "further" and why couldn't I just be proud of all that I've accomplished?  After all, I am running a successful business doing something I LOVE and live a great life.  Why was I being so hard on myself and holding myself to such lofty standards?!

It doesn't matter whether you're comparing yourself to other people or just to your expectations - comparison truly is the killer of joy.

When you compare, you take everything you’ve accomplished and completely discredit it.  You unintentionally say “Everything I’ve done and have isn’t good enough because it’s not THERE.”

That in turn sends a signal to the universe of DISPLEASURE and DISAPPOINTMENT.  When you emanate that frequency, you get more things to be disappointed about. 

Appreciation is the opposite of disappointment.  There is ALWAYS something to appreciate in any given moment and circumstance.  The more we can train our mind to appreciate, the more things we will get to appreciate in return.

Another great tip I am embracing - celebrate every little win as if it was a million dollars!






The Unknown