The Best is Yet to Come

My birthday is coming up this week and I turn 39 - the last year in my 30's. I've been reflecting on the past 9 years and everything that has happened.

I got married, divorced, earned the CFA, got a few promotions that eventually led me to relocate across the country after spending my whole life in the northeast, started over in a new city, found love again, lost it again, embarked on a path of self-discovery that led me to quit my finance career after 16 years and start my own business doing something I love and followed my heart vs my head for the first time in my life.

It's been a wild and fun adventure and I'm grateful for it all. With each triparound the sun, most people dread getting another year older. Lamentingabout the past as the "good old days" and wondering where the time went.

What if instead we believed that the best is yet to come? That no matter what age you're turning, it's going to be the best year of your life?! You'd have a new found excitement for life and what's to come, wouldn't you?!

The past is a great teacher and it's wonderful to be grateful for all the goodtimes, but let's start putting more credence in our future.

And remember that this present moment is what is creating our future. The more we can embrace and enjoy life right now, the better our future will be.

Start trusting that the best is yet to come - I know I do.






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