
It's Valentine’s Day!!!  Which I believe is just a big marketing ploy to get us to ingest more sugar but that’s a story for another day :)

Today I want to talk about LOVE.

I’ve learned we are all pure love at our core.  Our hearts are boundless and it’s really just our minds that put limitations on our love.  

Everything stems from our own love for ourselves so we must learn to love and accept ourselves just as we are in order to fully love others.

I recently had an EKG and learned that how it works is our hearts create electricity and the machine is able to pick up on the electrical currents to see if everything is working properly.  How COOL is that!  

With that electricity, our hearts create an electromagnetic field that emanates from us that literally acts like a magnet and attracts to us other things that are on that same frequency.  Just like we learned in Science class, like attracts like.

When we’re not in touch with our hearts and it’s closed off - what kind of things do you think that field is bringing into your life?!  I would like to encourage you to get back in touch with it.  

How?  Well where you put your attention is where you put your energy.

Take a few minutes today to breathe into your heart and thank it for beatingfor all these years without question.  Send it your much needed love, attention & energy

Happy Valentine's Day!



Happiness is a State of Mind


The Best is Yet to Come