Feeding Your Mind

I'm not much of a TV watcher, but over the past couple of weeks I decided to indulge in the show Yellowstone after hearing so much hype around it. I immediately got hooked. Kevin Costner, cowboys, shoot outs - what's not to like?!

I noticed something though after a couple of sessions binge watching it. I would have stressful or violent dreams afterwards.

Dreams are interesting because they are a great indication of what we are attracting into our lives.

If you have dreams that feel good, you're in a positive vibration and attracting good experiences to you. It's why I always try to write down my dreams every morning so I can see what kind of state I'm in.

It was a great reminder that if we want to feel good and attract good things to us, we must feed our minds positive things.

If we're only watching alarming news, violent shows, scary movies etc, that gets programmed directly into our minds and affects our moods.

I'm not saying not to watch any of this but if you notice yourself in a fearful, anxious or negative state, try taking a break from the negativity and feed your mind something positive instead.

You'll start feeling better instantly.




The Best is Yet to Come

