Staying Present…

I was in Buffalo, NY for a wedding over the weekend and had the opportunityto check off something on my bucket list - Niagara Falls.

It was breathtaking and beautiful seeing Mother Nature’s strength & fury in the powerful force of the falls.

We took the boat “Maid of the Mist” to see the great views from the water and it brings you right into the horseshoe of the falls.  

While in there for what seemed like an eternity (in actuality it was probably closer to five minutes) it feels like you are in the middle of a tempest getting soakedthrown around and rain pelting so hard on your face you can barely keep your eyes open.

Thoughts were fervently running through my mind:

"OMG is my hair getting wet under this poncho, I don't want to wash it again."
"When is it going to turn around and get out of here?!"
"This rain hurts and I can't see anything!!!"

Then it dawned on me - here I am experiencing a natural wonder of the world and something I've always wanted to see and I am in my head not even enjoying the moment.

I took a big deep breath and started to focus on everything I was feeling - cold water beating on me, gale force winds in my face, fear and excitementin the pit of my stomach.  

And suddenly the whole experience changed and I was able to appreciate it on a different level.

If you are depressed you are living in the past. 
If you are anxious you are living in the future. 
If you are at peace you are living in the present.

Lao Tzu

Stay present and your experience of life will change.




I'll Do It Tomorrow


Enjoy the Ride