Enjoy the Ride
Do you go to the movies just to see theend? A concert just to hear thelastsong?
No, you want to enjoy thewholething!
So why do we do this inlife?
✔️Stuck in a job you don't like just waiting for retirement
✔️Wanting a relationship, house, vacation etc to be happy
✔️Waiting for the perfect time to do something you love
Lifeis just as much about thejourneyas it is thedestination.
Often times weglamorizetheendingand it never lives up to ourexpectationsanyway.
Stopwaitingfor theend. Enjoytheride. Focus on theprocessand not just theendresult.
If there's something in life you'reunhappywith,changeitnow.
"It is not death that we should fear, but we should fear not beginning to live."
-Marcus Aurelius