I'll Do It Tomorrow

If you follow me on social media, I posted a video on Friday about a recent stat that I heard - assuming you live to be 80, that means you have roughly 4,000 weeks in your life.  And if you're around age 40, that means you only have about 2,000 left!

I don't know about you but that doesn't sound like very much.  

I've been contemplating this all weekend and it makes me think how we spend every day and every week.  

How often do you say to yourself "I'll do it tomorrow."  Or "I'll do it when I have more time."  Or "More money."  Or "Fill in the blank with some other excuse."  

With such a limited amount of weeks in our lives - WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!?

We need to put in as much energy and enthusiasm into every single day.  We need to stop waiting for all the conditions to be perfect - or else we'll be waiting forever

Don't put something off that is going to make you happy.  Life is short.  This is your sign to go for it - I believe in you!




Find Your Inner Kid


Staying Present…