State of Mind

Why do we make things hard on ourselves?  Why do we impose so many rules and restraints on ourselves?  We bind ourself to commitments and obligations that we feel we should or need to do.  But who made up those rules??

We hold ourselves in jobs that are stressful.  More than that we hold ourselves in states that are stressful just because we worry and get anxious about things we cannot control.

What if we didn’t let the market, traffic, our boss, the news get under our skin?  

What if our minds weren’t filled with self-imposed obligations that we “should do" or “have to do?”  What if we didn’t feel guilt or fear if we didn’t do these things?

What if instead we filled our minds with thoughts of gratitude, appreciation and excitement for another beautiful day on this glorious playground Earth??  

What if we were able to keep our mind so disciplined and focused that we just were able to navigate our day in a serene beautiful state?

Imagine what your day would look and feel like if you went about all your routine tasks but did so in a calm, confident, joyful manner?

Do you see how it’s our minds, our own thoughts and feelings that can create either heaven or hell for ourselves?  Nothing on the outside even has to change when we can just control the state of our minds.

That is true mastery.  Mastery of our minds and mastery of our life experience.  Because we are no longer waiting for outside things to change before we can feel good inside.

Stop the chase and pursuit of things you believe will make you happyOpen your eyes in the morning and realize you have everything you need to be happy right now.  Fill yourself up with gratitude and love and then carry that with you for the rest of the day.

Look for the magic.  Look for the little miracles that are around you all the timeLife is so much more fun when we drop the stories and suffering we bring to ourselves.  

I wrote this message for all of you, but mostly as a reminder for myself :)





