
Awareness is defined as knowledge or perception of a situation or a fact.  Furthermore, awareness is the state or ability to perceive, to feel or to be conscious of events, objects or sensory patterns.

It’s said that by the time we are 35, 95% of all of our behavior is a set of subconscious programs.  95%!!!  Which means we are unaware and running on autopilot 95% of the time.

Brushing your teeth and driving are great examples of these types of habits.  But so are the thoughts you think, the way you react to situations or just how you are feeling in any given moment.

I’m becoming more and more aware of some of the subconscious patterns in my life.  Like how I feel overwhelmed with things to do most of the time, how I am constantly operating with thoughts and feelings of there not being enough time or how I incessantly worry about things I have no control over.

It’s interesting to start noticing yourself on this new level.  Once you become aware of these things, they are no longer subconscious.  You’ve shined a light on them and that is the first step to changing these patterns.

Now when I catch myself falling back into those old habits, I can pause, take a few conscious breaths back into the present moment and then make a new choice.

I instead say things to myself like “I have all the time I need,” “What if it all works out perfectly,” or “What is this situation trying to teach me?

This is a pattern interrupt - instead of just continuing down the same neuropathway in your brain, it interrupts the subconscious behavior and starts to form a new pathway.

Start watching yourself with curiosity and see your habitual thoughts, feelings and behaviors.  The more you can raise your conscious awareness of yourself, the more you can change into the person you want to be.




State of Mind


Embrace the Suck