
On Sunday mornings, I go to yoga.  It’s one of my favorite ways to end the weekend and start my day.  I look at my yoga practice as a reflection of my life.  How I handle difficult things, how present I can stay and it’s a chance to slow down and watch my mind.

During yesterday’s class, I had a fellow yogi next to me who was rushing through every move.  It was distracting and also kind of making me laugh how abrupt and quickly he was moving from pose to pose before the teacher would even cue us.

As I judged him, it hit me - that’s me!!  I rush through life going from one thing to the next without room to breathe.  I pack my calendar and then have to bolt from one thing to the next.  I look just as ridiculous as this guy in my everyday life!

While I’ve come a long way and learned to create a lot more spaciousness in my life, I still fall into these old habits of hurriedness.  

know I’m not alone here.  It’s programmed into our society.  How silly we must all look rushing from thing to thing, our minds always one step ahead of where we are physically.

My mission is to create even more spaciousness into my life and to just be where my feet are.  Not thinking about the next step, just soaking in the delicious present moment that will never be here again.

Who’s with me?!




Happy Birthday to Me!


State of Mind