
Happy Halloween!!! It's long been one of my favorite holidays - I've always loved scary movies, haunted houses and dressing up.

At a party over the weekend, I was seeing how being dressed up changes people's behavior. You get into character, you feel different so you act differently.

It reminded me of the masks we wear everyday. At work we act a certain way, with our friends another and our families yet another.

We meet someone new and we're on our best behavior, then in our intimate relationships we're someone else entirely.

It's interesting how this happens; it's like we have a bunch of masks that we use at different times depending on the role we're playing.

Having these different masks is exhausting. I think that's what drained me the most in my finance career - the mask I wore became more difficult and inauthentic to keep up with.

My goal is to remove all of these masks and get down to my truest, most authentic self. Whether it's in these emails, on social media, with my clients etc, I want to show up as the real Adrienne.

I find the more authentic and vulnerable I am in my life, the better response I receive back. It's liberating - and enlightening as I learn more about myself.

Take off your mask today. Let the world see the real you - you're good enough just as you are.




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