Seeing our Blind Spots

I played golf the other day and it started off pretty ugly since I hadn't played in a while.  I kept wondering what I was doing wrong/differently than usual.

Then I would watch the people I was playing with and I could easily tell if it was going to be a good shot or if there was something off on their swing.

It made me think it's kind of like life - it's so easy to judge and see what others are doing wrong but it's much more difficult to tell in ourselves.

We need honest feedback from our familyfriends and trusted sources to see where our blind spots are if we want to change something.  

We also need to watch our own self carefully like an outside observer and be brutally honest with ourselves, no matter how ugly the truth may be.

Then remember to not beat yourself up about it!  We're all humans stumbling our way through life constantly on a path of learning and growing.

Speaking of feedback - I'd love to hear yours!  Any input on my emails, social media posts, things you'd like to hear/see, I want to know!  It would be much appreciated :)




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