Slow Down Time

I took myself out on a date this weekend with the intention of spending some quality time with myself.

I went to a nice restaurant, sat at the bar and committed to not look at my phone. It's an interesting experiment to sit somewhere by yourself and not use your phone to distract yourself. It can definitely feel uncomfortable.

But once I settled in, I loved watching the bartenders bustle around and the people around me enjoying each other's company and the good food. I was able to savor every sip of wine and every bite of my dinner.

When I finally couldn't take it anymore and pulled out my phone to look at the time, only 40 minutes had passed. WHAT?! That couldn't be. I felt like I was sitting there forever!

Yes, time flies when you’re having fun but actually time flies when you’re distracting yourself, when you’re escaping.   

If you want to slow down time, try being present.

I know I've talked about being present before but it truly is so powerful when we can anchor our mind into the now. Forget the past, not worry about the future and just watch life unfold moment by moment.

There's magic to be seen if we can just take the time to notice.




Seeing our Blind Spots


Find Your Inner Kid