What's Your Passion?!

How did you spend Halloween weekend? Dressing up? Going to parties? Trick or Treating with your kids?

I spent mine at another meditation retreat with Dr Joe Dispenza waking up at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning to spend most of the day in meditation.

This may sound crazy to some people and the last thing you'd want to do.

So why do I do it?

It's my PASSION! I love this stuff so much - the science behind change, meditation, using our minds to create our realities and becoming the bestversion of me possible.

Did I second guess going? Yes. Was I scared of missing out on all the Halloween fun? Yes.

But that’s what happens when you have a passion for something. It makes decisions easier.

Besides nothing great has ever been achieved without some level of sacrifice.

Find you passion, whatever it may be. And spend some time doing it. Even if it’s just for an hour a week.

It’s food for the soul.




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