Say Yes

Do you want magical, fun and exciting experiences in your life?

Yea me too. But if we're doing the same thing, same routines day in and day out, how can we expect something magical?

If we're stuck in the ordinary, we'll never experience the extraordinary.

I heard someone recently describe it like this:

If you were watching the same Friends episode for the 100th time, wouldn't you be bored?! You could fall asleep and wake up at any point and know exactly what was going on and what was about to happen so then you doze off again.

That’s your soul watching you everyday. Is your soul excited for each day?! Or is it bored and asleep because you're stuck in the same episode day after day?!

Step outside of your normal routine, take a different route to work, say yes to a happy hour with new people, try that workout class.

Say yes to new people, places and experiences and watch the unexpectedstart to happen.




Good vs Bad


Is 8/10 good enough?