Good vs Bad

I had a dream over the weekend that I walked into a hotel room and there were a bunch of moths all around the window.  I was immediately disgustedand mad

As I got closer to the window I realized they were not moths but beautifulcolorful butterflies flying in and out of my room from a garden outside.  One that was larger than my hand came and landed on me and sat for a while.  

Then I felt so lucky to have them there and was filled with wonder and gratitude.

I woke up and immediately wrote the dream down and contemplated what it meant.  

Our minds are so quick to judge things as good or bad.  But if we hold off on the judgement, something that seems to be "bad" can actually turn out to be good.

There is beauty and good in ALL of life's experiences - even if we can't see it at first.

Hold off on the judgement.  Accept what is happening even if you don't like it.  Then look for the good - it's always there.





Two Sides of Being Human


Say Yes