
I'm a believer in the theory - how you do one thing is how you do everything. If you believe that, you are able to learn a lot about yourself by examininghow you do things daily - looking at everything as a microcosm to your whole life.

As I sat in yoga class yesterday, I thought about this concept. It's the perfectexample - do you push yourself out of your comfort zone? Do you take on too much even when your body is screaming to stop? Do you go to child's posethe minute it starts getting tough? Do you do these same things in life?

During most classes the teacher gives us some "play time" that is typically used as an opportunity to get upside down.

While I know I can do headstand, I never take the chance. I justify it by saying my body needs a different type of stretch.

But yesterday I got curious and honest with myself. I don't do it out of fear - fear of falling, hitting my neighbor and causing a ruckus. I tell myself that I will practice at home and when I have it down 100% I will try it in class.

Then I realized I do this in so many other areas of my life. I let fear get the best of me and don't go for it. I worry about messing up, not being perfectand caring what people think.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to be held back because of fear. I want to live a life of freedom and be the truest version of myself. And that means putting fear and my ego aside.

Next time, I'm doing that headstand.


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